Category: Advice


غرقت في بحر الأحزان طويلا و نسيت ان القناعة سر السعادة، نسياني لنفسي نساني سعادتي التي كانت تكمن في قناعتي.

حبي واهتمامي لمن حولي جعلني أمحور نفسي و حياتي حولهم لدرجة اني نسيت من أنا.

تلامس حنايا قلوبنا بعض الأحيان مشاعر مؤلمة لا نجد لها مبررا أو سببـا فنلجأ لهم (هؤلاء الذين احببناهم) فأصدق عباراتهم هي ” الله يعينك” ومواساة سريعة تجعلنا نشعر بمدى حمقتنا للجوئنا إليهم .. هل كثيرا أن يكونوا هم من يملؤنا تفائلا وسعادة؟ هل كثيرا ان يمحوروا يوما واحدا حولنا ليمنحونا القوة؟

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This Girl Is …

Today, is one of the days where I doubted myself, questioned my actions and looked myself in the mirror and told myself “IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT” I blamed myself for many things. Yes I was hard on myself just like how others were hard on me. I was down for hours and instead of having someone remind me of my good traits and how good of a person I am I passed by a poem I wrote back in 2011 about ME!

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Happy International Women’s Day

Women have started carving out their own identity in society as young innerpreneurs, entrepreneurs, designers, sports-persons, explorers and experts in other fields of endeavor. In addition, they are shouldering the duty of housewives in a manner that would have been impossible a few decades ago.

Today we celebrate the 102 International Women’s Day. In 1911 – the year this day was first celebrated internationally, back then when women could not yet vote in most countries. Today, a number of women serve as presidents and in other positions of power. Let us recognize and respect the role of women in society

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Smartphones Have Revolutionized The Way We Communicate


“With endless applications, high-speed wireless Internet access, and free messaging services, smart phones have revolutionized the way we communicate”

Nowadays, we (Smartphones users) are closely “attached” to our mobile devices. Without our phone we feel “lost,” “tense,” or “not updated.” where on the other hand regular phone users feel free or quiet without their phones.

TV Shows and Hashtags

“I strongly believe that TV Shows shouldn’t have a twitter account they can create a hash-tag & communicate with the audience through the Channel’s account” – Heba AlSamt

Today, the impact of social media on media has been to such an extent that even television channels are making their presence. Television channels are using the power of social media to increase the popularity of the shows which is awesome knowing that nowadays people are found multitasking on digital devices while in front of a television and sharing with their friends and live tweeting.

So Why a “hashtag” and not an “account”?

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Start being more polite to yourself

If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend?  The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.  You must love who you are or no one else will.

If  you wouldn’t treat anyone else that way, then why are you beating yourself up? 

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الحياة لا قيمة لها اذا تجردت من الادب ، الذوق ، و الاحترام

 صدم شآب امرأة عجوز بدراجته . . وبدل آن يعتذر لها و يساعدهآ على النهوض أخذ يضحك عليهآ ثم استأنف سيره لكن العجوز نادته قائلة : لقد سقط منك شيئا فعاد الشاب مسرعاً و أخذ يبحث فلم يجد شيئاً

فقالت له العجوز : لا تبحث كثيراً ، لقد سقطت ” مروءتك ” ولن تجدها ابداً

الحياة لا قيمة لها . . اذا تجردت من الادب ، الذوق ، و الاحترام

Breathing Therapy

Breathing Therapy represents a unique approach to wellness in spirit, mind and body. It was developed over the last 20 years, and it has proven to be effective in all psychosomatic illness. Proper breathing has profound effects on our health. Good breathing supports muscle growth and energy to get things done. Our first breath, yes our first (do you remember it?) was filled with fluid, painful, and scary this was the result of being hit! (remember ;p)

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