Category: Advice

A good deed goes along way!


I have realised that some people have now become careless – with absolutely no concern for others. Why people????

Selfish we have all become .. Is this who we are or who we used to be or did the technology and evolution and time change who we used to be and how we were bought and thought??? Showing concern starts from even small things, such as letting pedestrians not wait at the road side, but allowing them to cross the road in hot weather when you are in an air-conditioned car. Read more

Replenish Your Spirit This Ramadan

Westin Dubai  With the sighting of the new moon, Ramadan visits again and the holy month arrives with its unique atmosphere, gatherings and spirit. Some describe it as the “stomachs rumbling, mouths cotton-like, tempers not-so-manageable” month which is true nowadays but still I wont fully agree to it cause it is not just a month where we starve ourselves from Dawn to Dusk and stuff ourselves after the sun is down, it’s much more. It’s a month of prayer, meditation and getting to see those far relatives that we only get to see on such occasions. Spiritually its different, it’s a month of reflection, a month where we look back at all the things we’ve done, and try to do as much good as possible to correct our wrongs. It’s the month of peace. We have a period of fasting from dawn to dusk which consists of absence of food and drinks as well as any tobacco products and any thoughts or activities that are deemed unclean. Read more

Is it bringing us togather or driving us apart?

The internet has transformed the way we think about ourselves – the groups we belong to, the information we know. The internet has transformed the way we interact with our friends, too. Now, we are “in touch” with our friends more than ever: I can tell you what Ayesha had for lunch, what Hanan is listening to at the moment, and how Heba is getting on with her holiday in France. Even though I haven’t actually spoken to them: I have glimpsed their Facebook or Twitter feeds, while myself listening to the radio, brushing my teeth, or trying to write this article.

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The People-Pleaser

Are You A People Pleaser? (this is to all the people pleasers out there including myself)

People-pleasers “want everyone around them to be happy and they will do whatever is asked of them to” I know I am it took me years to acknowledge that. Here I am, an independent, successful woman with a mind of my own. How can I be a people pleaser? 

“They put everyone else before themselves,” For some, saying “yes” is a habit;  for others, “it’s almost an addiction that makes them feel like they need to be needed.” This makes them feel important and like they’re “contributing to someone else’s life.”

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My Awakening ..

Last weekend with the busy schedule, meetings, events and gatherings I had a day where I relaxed, slept and thought of many things. I actually shutted down and isolated myself from every thing and stayed with myself.  It felt like I reached to this time in my life where I felt that I finally get it … When the voice inside my head CRIED OUT, “ENOUGH! Enough fighting, crying and struggling to hold on”. Out of the blue I sobbed and began to sink in my tears and thoughts, I shuddered, I then blinked back my tears and through my wet lashes I began to look at the world through new eyes.Read more

Useless Begins with U

Your are feeling lousy and don’t really know what to do. Empty, useless and worthless. No one seems to understand this at all even yourself – they say ‘cheer up’ and ask you what the matter is. They tell you that you have everything going for you, and you shouldn’t be feeling like this. Some will comfort you and will try to tell you that what you are feeling is not true and others will tell you everything will be OK. They think you can ‘snap’ out if it but its not that simple – you wish it was. But you don’t know what the matter is, and can’t explain why you are like this. Does this sound familiar?

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من ماراق لي

في قديم الزمان في إحدى الدول الأوربية ، حيث يكسو الجليد كل شيء بطبقة ناصعة البياض ، كانت هناك أرملة فقيرة ترتعش مع ابنها الصغير ، التي حاولت أن تجعله لا يشعر بالبرد بأي طريقة.

يبدو أنهما قد ضلا الطريق ولكن سرعان ما تصادف عبور عربة يجرها زوج من الخيل ، وكان الرجل سائق العربة من الكرام ، حتى أركب الأرملة وابنها وفي أثناء الطريق ، بدأت أطراف السيدة تتجمد من البرودة ، وكانت في حالة سيئة جدا حتى كادت تفقد الوعي

وبسرعة بعد لحظات من التفكير أوقف الرجل العربة ، وألقى بالسيدة خارج العربة ، وانطلق بأقصى سرعة !!

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Be Thankful

Count your blessings, we’re told, but it’s just not in our nature. People with a strong sense of gratitude, love and appreciation don’t necessarily have more than others; they simply recognize and see more beauty in their lives.

Why do we rather count our problems?

If you’re too busy dwelling on the past or thinking about the future, you won’t be able to fully notice how fantastic things are right now. Plus, thinking about the past and future opens the door to comparison, which is the only way you can perceive something as not good enough. Enjoy today, this moment and don’t postpone your enjoyment. It’s easy to be thankful for the good things. Our life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.

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Value Yourself ..

A child once asked her teacher.. “Ma’am, why is the pronoun “I” always capitalized when we write it?”

The teacher smiled and said, “Cause it’s a way of giving respect to yourself, by capitalizing it, you’re emphasizing your worth and uniqueness.”

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Love Yourself ..

Stop being unhappy with yourself.  Stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. Love yourself, personality, looks, etc love them because without those things, you wouldn’t be you.

Be confident with who you are. SMILE. It will draw people in. Your happiness should not depend on others anymore.

Repeat after me: “I’m happy because I love who I am. I love my flaws. I love my imperfections because they make me me. and “me” is pretty amazing.”

Have compassion for yourself and for where you’re at. Remember that you are a truly lovable person — and that you deserve only kind treatment, especially from yourself.